The Patriot Report – November 10, 2023


“Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.”
-from the song “Let There Be Peace on Earth” by Jill Jackson-Miller and Sy Miller

This Remembrance Day we reflect on the nature of war and the absence of true, lasting peace in our world. It is impossible to turn on the news without seeing the horrific acts of violence perpetrated all over the world. It’s hard to not be desensitized to the pain and destruction. 

How do we talk to our children about war? We have a desire to shield our loved ones from the worst of humanity, but it always seems to creep in. You cannot cover every magazine at the grocery store, or make sure they never see a news broadcast. Violence and pain is an inevitable part of our broken world. But we can assure them that they are safe and focus them on those who are working to help. Focusing on the good parts of humanity, those willing to lend a helping hand, will show our children that even though parts of the world are dark, Christ’s light will prevail. 

The most impactful action you can do for your family is to make your home a peaceful place. As the quote from the song above points out, peace starts in each of us. How you cope with the setbacks in life–the street peddler, the annoying neighbor, the driver who cut you off in traffic–these are all opportunities for you to model peace and compassion. Peace begins with you and can transform your home. Your children are watching you and learning from your example, give them an example of peace. 


Please note that the Christmas Concert will take place on Thursday, December 14, 2023. More details to come at the end of November. 

*Note: this date has been updated and is different from the one sent out in the calendar originally.


Today Grade Five led our school in an assembly in anticipation of Remembrance Day on Saturday. We are very thankful to have such a sincere and thoughtful send off for our students. Thank you Mrs. Chao for leading the children in this reflection on the sincere desire for peace. 


Grade Seven girls gave it their all in the Volleyball playoffs this week, but ended up not advancing to the finals. Congratulations on all your hard work, girls! Thank you Coach Campanile for your dedication and support of this volleyball team! 


Cold and flu season is upon us and more and more students and teachers are being exposed to the numerous viruses that are traveling around. You can help stop the spread by helping your child follow good hygiene practices at home by washing their hands regularly and also by getting plenty of rest.   We will not be sending home work for sick children, their priority is to recover so that the school can remain a happy and healthy place. Anything your child misses can be made up when they are well enough to do so. If your child is sick please send an absence form into the office as soon as possible. This can be done online through our school website:

Thank you and stay safe and healthy! 


We are excited to welcome kindergarten sibling registration for children born in 2019, turning 5 in 2024. These children will begin kindergarten in September 2024.  Please pre-register by completing this form.  


Picture retakes arrived today and have been sent home with students. Please note the November 21 order deadline. Thank you! 


Care day with a 12pm dismissal will be observed on Friday of next week. Usually Care days are the last Friday of the month, but this month it is one week early due to the November 24th pro-D. The theme this month is plaid. 


St. Jude Parish Mass Times

Monday – Saturday: 9 am morning Masses
Novena Mass on Wednesdays: 7:30 pm.
Saturday anticipated Mass: 5 pm
Sunday Mass: 9 am, 11 am, 5 pm


Nov 13 – Remembrance Day observance, No School

Nov 17 – Care Day, 12pm dismissal

Nov 24 – Pro-D day, no school 

Dec 14 – Christmas Concert

You can subscribe to our school calendar here