Welcome to the Parish Education Committee (PEC) section of our school website. We hope the pages here serve as a ‘go to’ place for you to learn more about the policies, practices and people who help run our school. We’d love to hear from you anytime you have a question, a concern, an idea, or perhaps a complement to share. Feel free to talk with any member of the PEC or send an email and we promise to get back to you.
The other tabs in this section include Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding the PEC, information about our Compassion in Action initiative, minutes from previous meetings and contact information. The St. Jude PEC members for 2023/24 are:
- Fr. Jun Reyes, Pastor St. Jude’s Roman Catholic Parish & Shrine
- Mrs. Leah Wong, Chairperson
- Mr. Chris Akol, Vice-Chair and Society Representative
- Mrs. Nyra Sanchez, Treasurer
- Mrs. Ann Tanco, Parent Participation Coordinator
- Mr. Winlove Del Rosario, Maintenance Coordinator
- Mr. Eugene Palomado, Secretary
The PEC generally meets once a month on the third Tuesday at 5:30pm in the school library. All parents are welcomed and encouraged to attend these meetings. If you would like to make a presentation to the Committee we ask that you please inform the Chairperson in writing seven days prior to the meeting. We can help you with this if you need assistance. Meeting minutes are posted in the Calendar section of the school website. You can contact the PEC by email at pec@stjude.ca
By the grace of God, we each have talents to share. Please know that your skills, initiative, observations and ideas are valued and always considered welcomed contributions to our school’s PEC.