The Patrioteer (formerly known as the Patriot Report) – August 30, 2024

Principal's Corner

Welcome back staff, students, and families to St. Jude School. The summer flew by and here we stand on the precipice of another school year. I am both honoured and excited to be embarking on this journey with an amazing group of teachers, educational assistants, students, parents, and our new pastor, Fr. Mauricio Sanjines. 

Looking forward to getting back into the school groove and I invite you along for the ride! You may notice some changes at the school, one of them being the new name of the newsletter, but St. Jude School will continue to provide exceptional education and care for your students and we thank you for your support! 

St. Jude, Pray for us! 


Tuesday, Sep 3rd is the first day of school. Please ensure you pick up or arrange pick up at 12pm for your child(ren).  If your child is in Kindergarten, they will be dismissed at 10:30am.  All staff are participating in an in-service in the afternoon which is why there is no after school club. 

Students are to be in uniform, bring a water bottle and a snack. 


First Bell: 8:30am

Second Bell: 8:40am – Classes start

Recess 10:00am – 10:15am

Lunch 11:55am – 12:45pm 

Dismissal – 3:00pm

After School Club – 3:00pm – 6:00pm – register online by clicking herestarts September 4th.


First Bell: 8:30am

Second Bell: 8:40am – Classes start

Recess 10:00am – 10:15am

Dismissal – 12:00pm

After School Club – 12:00pm – 6:00pm – register online by clicking here 


St. Jude School has hired a new head of our Patriots After School Club running after school daily from 3-6pm, Bronagh Ganley. She will begin Patriots Club on Wednesday, Sept. 4. 

Registration can be found on our website:


A reminder to parents and visitors that there is no access to our school hallways without first signing in at the office. This is to ensure the safety of our children and staff. We may not recognize every parent, grandparent, or visitor, so it is really important that everyone checks in first at the office so that we can maintain a safe environment. 

Similarly, parents and visitors who are not in a supervisory role such as parent supervisors, are not allowed on the playground during recess and lunch. Parents and visitors who are on our grounds during recess and lunch will be asked to leave the area. 

Thank you for your cooperation. 


The drop off lane will be in effect for the first day of school. Please pull all the way up to the front if using the drop off lane. 

There is no park and ride in the school parking lot. The parking lot gets used by students during recess and lunch. The parish also needs the parking space for its daily mass and occasional funerals. Please park, walk your child to the drop off area, and then leave to free up the parking space for someone else. 

The maximum speed in the parking lot is 10km an hour. Go slow. Safety is more important than being on time. Please leave early for school so that you do not need to rush. 


One of the drawbacks of a long summer break is that going back to school can be challenging for all students and especially our youngest ones. There are several things you can do now to be ready for day 1:

  1. Make sure your child receives plenty of rest and start going to bed at an earlier time.
  2. Talk about the feelings of going back to school and help remind them that there are things to look forward to (friends, field trips, new beginnings, sports, music, etc.) 
  3. Get excited about going to school. Having something new for school may add to the excitement. It could be a new backpack or a new cool pencil or a new lunch bag or a fresh haircut to symbolize the start of a new school year. 
  4. Talk with your child about their goals for the new school year and help them to keep it attainable and realistic.  
  5. Ensure you have ordered school supplies – see separate note later in newsletter.
  6. Ensure you have the uniform ready to go. Uniforms can be ordered through Cambridge Uniforms.
  7. Read the newsletter, subscribe to the calendar, follow us on Facebook/Instagram.
  8. Get to school early on the first day. Set an example and be punctual for school each day. 
  9. Pick up your child on time on the first day. 


Every year there are children that cry on the first day. Most often it is because they do not want to have to say goodbye to Mom or Dad and this produces the tears. There are some helpful strategies that parents can take to reduce the tears:

Information from

  • Discuss his/her feelings and show empathy for his/her struggles.
  • Give your child a special small item for a sense of familiarity and a piece of home.
  • Arrive earlier than the other kids to avoid the bustle of the crowds.
  • Don’t leave without saying goodbye, while keeping those farewells confident and brief.
  • Ask the teacher how the rest of the day went, and remind yourself that this is normal and will soon pass.

The following actions tend to make things harder:

  • longer goodbyes that are drawn out
  • wanting to follow your child into the school 
  • getting emotionally frustrated because your child is upset
  • showing your child that you’re also sad to leave them

Most of the time, your child will stop crying in less than 5 minutes once inside the school and they typically go on to have a good day. 


Even though most of us carry cellphones and have digital calendars, it is sometimes still useful to have a fridge calendar of school events. It is also helpful to share this with family and those who may be picking up your child. 

A hard copy will go home with your child on the first day of school.


To order our school uniform you need to visit the Cambridge Uniform store (in person or online). Click here for more information, including our school code, which will be needed. 

If you are having difficulties securing the school uniform please notify the office and your child’s classroom teacher. Families are reminded that wearing a school uniform is part of our school code and family statement of commitment. On School Mass days (Wednesdays) students are expected to be in full uniform (school sweater cardigan or school sweater vest). 

At St. Jude School we value the virtue of modesty. This not only applies to the uniform but to accessories and hair. 

It is the policy of the school for boys to have their hair trimmed to collar’s length. Girls’ hair should be neat and hair accessories limited to navy blue, forest green, black or white hair bands or simple barrettes. 

Students may wear holy medals or cross necklaces and birthstone rings. Costume jewelry, chokers, accessories, etc. are not allowed. Girls may wear pierced earrings provided they are a single small stud or hoop per ear. For safety reasons, the teacher/coach may request that jewelry be removed during sports activities. Students are not permitted to wear makeup or nail polish. Body piercing (other than ears) and tattoos (including fake ones) are not allowed.

Thank you for your understanding and support of our school policy. 



Our School Start Supply lists are still available.  

Parents can go directly to:, and click on the following:

– Parents Shop Here

– Purchase School Supply Kits

– Select Province, then City, then School

– Click on ’Click Here to Purchase Your School Kits’

– Lastly, they click on their grade and proceed from there


The Junior Orchestra is for Grades 2, 3 and 4. The Senior Orchestra is for Grades 5, 6, and 7.

Students can play violin or CELLO! We need more cello players! The commitment is:

  • One weekly orchestra rehearsal on Wednesdays (Senior 8:00-8:30/ Junior 3:10-3:40)
  • One weekly private lesson (15 or 30 min.) with Dr. Luchkow at the school or online on Mondays, or Wednesdays, or Fridays in the afternoon or evening (a few online spaces on other weekdays may be available)
  • Home practice for 15 – 20 minutes, five days per week

Orchestra Email Registration: Mon. Sept. 9 th Registration forms will be emailed to parents on the orchestra email list on Monday, Sept. 9 th at 3:10pm. Alternatively, you can get a paper registration form by the Library doors (facing the school playground) at 3:10pm.

If you’re not yet on the orchestra email list, please email Completed registration forms can only be submitted by email (to You can send it as a high resolution photo, pdf, or Word file. The first 40 students to email forms to will be in the first draft of the lesson schedule. The41 st student may be added to the schedule if there is space.

Get Your Instrument and Accessories

Orchestra students need to go to the music store Long and McQuade to get (or exchange) a violin or cello and buy some accessories. During registration you will confirm your violin size or CELLO! size so you will know exactly what to order from the store. Rentals are $199/year for a violin and $369/year for a CELLO! (plus tax). The accessories you will need are $25-$50. Orchestra
program CELLO! fees are lower than violin fees (by $100) to offset some of the higher cost of renting. Cellos are not heavy! And they sound amazing!
Drop Off Items Near the Library Doors (by the playground) at 8:20-8:50am on Wed. Sept. 11 or Fri. Sept. 13th

Before lessons and rehearsals can start, violins and CELLOS! need to be set up with finger tapes, and old orchestra binders need to be re-organized. Orchestra members must drop off these items with Dr. Luchkow to be set up, and also bring their orchestra program fees.

Pick Up Items

Private lessons and orchestra rehearsals begin during the week of Monday, Sept. 16 th . Students with in-person lessons will receive their instrument, binder and book at their first lesson. Students with online lessons can pick up their instrument, binder and book from the school cafeteria on Mon.
Sept. 16 th from 2:45-3:15pm (parents can enter the door at the southwestern corner of the school), or arrange an alternate pick up time with Dr. Luchkow. Annual Program Fee

  • Regular Students: $680 for violin; $580 for CELLO!
    -15 minute private lessons (most students only need a 15 minute lesson)
    “Plus 15” Students: $1250 for violin; $1150 for CELLO!
    -30 minute private lessons
  • Orchestra-Only Students (by audition): $140
    -For advanced students who take lessons with another teacher
    If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Luchkow at


Monday – Saturday: 9 am morning Masses
Novena Mass on Wednesdays: 7:30 pm.
Saturday anticipated Mass: 5 pm
Sunday Mass: 9 am, 11 am, 5 pm


Sept 3 – Welcome Back to School – Noon Dismissal (No After School Club)

Sept 4 – After school club begins

Sept 11 – Meet the Teacher night 6pm

Sept 18-20 – Grade 7 Outdoor Education

Sept 23 – Pro D Day, No School 

Sept 27 – Care Day, Noon Dismissal

Sept 30 – Truth and Reconciliation Day, No School

You can subscribe to our school calendar here