The Patrioteer – September 20, 2024


This week I joined the Grade Sevens on their Outdoor Education trip. What an amazing experience to see these young men and women showcase their skills outside the classroom. Most of these students I have known since Kindergarten and it’s been such a blessing to see them learn and grow throughout the years. 

So much for me to be grateful for on this first Outdoor Ed trip as a Principal: three days of lovely weather on beautiful Gambier Island, a class of students who cared and cheered for each other through every experience, sharing the joys of nature with the students and the teachers who came along, and so many more blessings from our loving Father. 

Please keep the Grade Sevens in your prayers as they continue their last year at our school and prepare to graduate in June! 

St. Jude, pray for us! 


Our first “Care Day” of the year is September 27th. Care Days are the last Fridays of the month are days when students are reminded to care for others. These are dress down days following a monthly theme and have a 12pm dismissal. Students may wear a shirt following the Care Day theme or they may come to school in Patriot wear as is permitted every Friday or they may wear their uniform.

As we did last year, we have done an EFT of $18.00 for all 9 of our Care Days. The money collected has been used to support Covenant House and the Archdiocese Charities. The EFT is scheduled for October 18, 2024. If you choose to not participate, please email 

This month’s theme dress will be for Orange Shirt day in honour of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, observed on September 30.

The story of Orange Shirt Day is one given to us from Phyllis Webstad, a Residential School Student in the 1970s. Phyllis came to school with a brand new orange shirt, which was taken away from her by the school officials. Through this action, Phyllis felt as though her self worth had been stripped away.

Orange Shirt Day helps us remember that we are all made in the image and likeness of God and deserve respect. For the theme day this month, students may wear a colour of their choice! 


This week the Grade Sevens had an amazing experience at Camp Latona on Gambier Island. The students got to hike, kayak, paddleboard, shelterbuild, climb aerial ropes courses, and sing around the campfire. 

Thank you, Mr. Mow for planning this amazing experience every year, Ms. Smillie and Ms. Glinsbockel for chaperoning, and the staff at Camp Latona for leading the students through some once-in-a-lifetime experiences. 


If your family has recently moved, or if you have a new phone number, please email your new address/contact information so that we can update our records.

If your child has severe allergies that they are anaphylactic, please email and we will send you a Student Emergency Response Plan form for your physician to fill out. Our school is an “allergy aware zone”, which means that certain classrooms may ask parents to not pack allergens in their children’s lunches when a severe allergy is present. Click the link below for more information from Vancouver Coastal Health.


A reminder to parents and visitors that there is no access to our school hallways without first signing in at the office. This is to ensure the safety of our children and staff. We may not recognize every parent, grandparent, or visitor, so it is really important that everyone checks in first at the office so that we can maintain a safe environment. 

Similarly, parents and visitors who are not in a supervisory role such as parent supervisors, are not allowed on the playground during recess and lunch. Parents and visitors who are on our grounds during recess and lunch will be asked to leave the area. 

Thank you for your cooperation. 


Still Moon Arts Society proudly presents the 22nd annual Renfrew Ravine Moon Festival!

A fusion of art, nature, and community, this month-long festival celebrates the Harvest Moon, Still Creek, local art, and the diverse cultural traditions of the Renfrew-Collingwood neighbourhood.

Expect dazzling lanterns, live music, dance, food, art & nature workshops and community performances. Check the link below for the Main Event Schedule for Sept 21.

Festival Schedule


Monday – Saturday: 9 am morning Masses
Novena Mass on Wednesdays: 7:30 pm
Saturday anticipated Mass: 5 pm
Sunday Mass: 9 am, 11 am, 5 pm


Sept 23 – Pro D Day, No School 

Sept 27 – Care Day, Noon Dismissal – wear a colour of your choice!

Sept 27 – Gr. 6 Immunization Clinic

Sept 30 – Truth and Reconciliation Day, No School

Oct 1 – Kindergarten Hearing and Dental Screening

Oct 2 – Cross Country Championships at Swangard

You can subscribe to our school calendar here