Every year on Truth and Reconciliation Day I reflect on how impactful our actions can be on the future. Sometimes when we think about terrible and sad parts of our history we can feel powerless. It seems like the evil in the world can outweigh the good that we do.
Through the teachings of Jesus we see that even the small mustard seed can become a large and mighty plant. In that same way even small, humble acts of kindness can have a positive impact on the future.
TRC day is a day of hope, hope through action, as even the small actions can lead to a brighter tomorrow. The small mustard seed of kindness we grow in our hearts and in the hearts of our children quickly grows until it consumes our lives.
St. Jude, pray for us!

Care Days are the last Fridays of the month and are days when students are reminded to care for others. These are dress down days following a monthly theme and have a 12pm dismissal. Students may wear a shirt following the Care Day theme or they may come to school in Patriot wear as is permitted every Friday or they may wear their uniform.
As we did last year, we have done an EFT of $18.00 for all 9 of our Care Days. The money collected has been used to support various local charities. The EFT is scheduled for October 18, 2024. If you choose to not participate, please email bookkeeper@stjude.ca.
This week our students learned about the joys of indigenous culture and heritage while also reading stories and hearing accounts of residential schools and their devastating legacy before dreaming of a better world. This is an important activity so that we can continue to encourage government policies that reaffirm the dignity of every human being as being made in the image and likeness of God. Every child matters, let’s make a brighter tomorrow.

This weekend there are plenty of opportunities to participate in Truth and Reconciliation Activities in the Vancouver Area.
Orange Shirt Society information: https://orangeshirtday.org/reconciliation-hub/resources/
Truth and Reconciliation Day activities by city:
Monday – Saturday: 9 am morning Masses
Novena Mass on Wednesdays: 7:30 pm
Saturday anticipated Mass: 5 pm
Sunday Mass: 9 am, 11 am, 5 pm

Oct 1 – Kindergarten Hearing and Dental Screening
Oct 2 – Cross Country Championships at Swangard
Oct 14 – Thanksgiving – NO SCHOOL
Oct 17 – Living Rosary, 11am in gym
Oct 18 – Care Day – Noon Dismissal
Oct 24 – Parent/Teacher Conferences – NO SCHOOL
Oct 25 – Provincial Pro D – NO SCHOOL
You can subscribe to our school calendar here.