The Patrioteer – September 6, 2024

Principal's Corner

As Ecclesiastes verse 3 tells us, there is a time for everything as appointed by God. The first week of school is a time for new beginnings. Students were busy meeting their new teachers and new classmates, while getting acclimated to their new grade. It was so nice to have all the students back and have the school bustling with activity and joy after the quiet summer months. 

The new beginning of school can also inspire us to start our own new beginning within our family. Maybe your child wants to learn a new sport or start a new language class? Maybe you want to encourage new food habits and have your child help you cook dinner? Whatever new beginning this school year inspires, just know that everything happens on God’s timeline–so don’t be discouraged if it takes a while to instill a new routine or habit! 

St. Jude, Pray for us! 


After School Club is run by Miss Ganley every day from 3pm-6pm.

Reminders for our students and parents:

  • After School Club can be a busy time, when you come to pick up your child, please do so quickly and efficiently so that Miss Ganley is able to give the other children proper supervision. 
  • Students are not allowed to go upstairs into the main hallway after 3pm as there is no supervision upstairs at this time. If they left something in their classroom, they will need to get it the next day.
  • The office closes at 3:30 pm, if you are here after that time, please send an email if you need to get ahold of our office manager. 
  • After school time is when teachers and administration have important meetings that are not able to happen during the school day, please do not access the school during this time through the after school club for privacy reasons. 
  • Please treat our employees with respect and dignity, we are all doing our best to support you and your children! The Administration will be involved with any issues and any disrespect of our school employees may result in your child not being allowed to enroll in After School Club. 

Registration can be found on our website:


This is an important night for parents to meet their child’s classroom teacher. The first session is in the gym for all parents (children not required to attend). Then we move to classroom sessions. Each classroom session is 20 minutes with two sessions for those with multiple children. 

Meet the Teacher Night is not the time to ask questions about how your child is doing in the class. A separate conference can be set up to discuss your child’s progress. Please reach out to your child’s teacher if you would like to schedule a meeting. 


A reminder to parents and visitors that there is no access to our school hallways without first signing in at the office. This is to ensure the safety of our children and staff. We may not recognize every parent, grandparent, or visitor, so it is really important that everyone checks in first at the office so that we can maintain a safe environment. 

Similarly, parents and visitors who are not in a supervisory role such as parent supervisors, are not allowed on the playground during recess and lunch. Parents and visitors who are on our grounds during recess and lunch will be asked to leave the area. 

Thank you for your cooperation. 


Please help us be good neighbours and refrain from stopping or parking along E 15th Ave. The street is very narrow and it can get quite congested in the morning which leads to unsafe conditions. Please respect our posted signage and drop off in the parking lot where we have adequate supervision. 


At our school we have a drop-off lane. Please pull all the way up to the front if using the drop off lane. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR CAR IN THIS LANE.

There is no park and ride in the school parking lot. The parking lot gets used by students during recess and lunch. The parish also needs the parking space for its daily mass and occasional funerals. Please park, walk your child to the drop off area, and then leave to free up the parking space for someone else. 

The maximum speed in the parking lot is 10km an hour. Go slow. Safety is more important than being on time. Please leave early for school so that you do not need to rush. 


Mandarin Classes will begin soon! Please check out our website for more information on how to sign up. 

Pui Ying Mandarin


To order our school uniform you need to visit the Cambridge Uniform store (in person or online). Click here for more information, including our school code, which will be needed. 

If you are having difficulties securing the school uniform please notify the office and your child’s classroom teacher. Families are reminded that wearing a school uniform is part of our school code and family statement of commitment. On School Mass days (Wednesdays) students are expected to be in full uniform (school sweater cardigan or school sweater vest). 

At St. Jude School we value the virtue of modesty. This not only applies to the uniform but to accessories and hair. 

It is the policy of the school for boys to have their hair trimmed to collar’s length. Girls’ hair should be neat and hair accessories limited to navy blue, forest green, black or white hair bands or simple barrettes. 

Students may wear holy medals or cross necklaces and birthstone rings. Costume jewelry, chokers, accessories, etc. are not allowed. Girls may wear pierced earrings provided they are a single small stud or hoop per ear. For safety reasons, the teacher/coach may request that jewelry be removed during sports activities. Students are not permitted to wear makeup or nail polish. Body piercing (other than ears) and tattoos (including fake ones) are not allowed.

Fridays are Patriots Wear Day.  Students can wear their PE Strip, Patriots hoodie and sweatpants, or their school uniform.  Patriots Wear can be purchased through Cambridge Uniforms. 

Thank you for your understanding and support of our school policy. 



Our Hot Lunch ordering site is now live!

We are happy to have the same hot lunch vendors on board as last year: Pampanga (Filipino cuisine), Pizza Hut, Church’s Chicken, Sushi Moon, Domino’s and Dami (Korean Fried Chicken). 

Ordering will close at 7am every Wednesday for the following week.   For example, our first hot lunch date, Tuesday, September 17th, will close for ordering on Sept 11th at 7am.  

You will need a Munchalunch account to order.  Please follow this link to sign up (or log in for returning families) and begin ordering:



Did you know that St. Jude School has it’s very own orchestra?

The Junior Orchestra is for Grades 2, 3 and 4. The Senior Orchestra is for Grades 5, 6, and 7.

Students can play violin or CELLO! We need more cello players! The commitment is:

  • One weekly orchestra rehearsal on Wednesdays (Senior 8:00-8:30/ Junior 3:10-3:40)
  • One weekly private lesson (15 or 30 min.) with Dr. Luchkow at the school or online on Mondays, or Wednesdays, or Fridays in the afternoon or evening (a few online spaces on other weekdays may be available)
  • Home practice for 15 – 20 minutes, five days per week

Orchestra Email Registration: Mon. Sept. 9 th

Registration forms will be emailed to parents on the orchestra email list on Monday, Sept. 9 th at 3:10pm. Alternatively, you can get a paper registration form by the Library doors (facing the school playground) at 3:10pm.

If you’re not yet on the orchestra email list, please email Completed registration forms can only be submitted by email (to You can send it as a high resolution photo, pdf, or Word file. The first 40 students to email forms to will be in the first draft of the lesson schedule. The 41 st student may be added to the schedule if there is space.

If you have any questions, please email Dr. Luchkow at 

Community News


There is Hawaiian/Polynesian Dancing at Killarney Community Centre on Mondays for Children (6-12yrs) from 5:45pm – 6:30pm and Adult (16yrs+) from 6:45pm – 7:45pm. Fall Term will run from MON, SEPT 16 – DEC 16. Please Register or Drop-In and give it a try! Mahalo!

TOMORROW – SAT, SEPT 7 there’s an Open House at Killarney Community Centre to showcase prorgrams. I will be in the Main Lobby doing a FREE Children Hula Demo from 11:30am – 12:00pm and then an Adult Hula Demo from 12:00 – 12:30pm. Please help spread the word!


Monday – Saturday: 9 am morning Masses
Novena Mass on Wednesdays: 7:30 pm.
Saturday anticipated Mass: 5 pm
Sunday Mass: 9 am, 11 am, 5 pm


Sept 11 – Meet the Teacher night 6pm

Sept 15 – Individual Picture Day

Sept 18-20 – Grade 7 Outdoor Education

Sept 23 – Pro D Day, No School 

Sept 27 – Care Day, Noon Dismissal

Sept 30 – Truth and Reconciliation Day, No School

You can subscribe to our school calendar here