The Patriot Report – February 25, 2022


“We’re not so much invited to declare our allegiance to a system of beliefs, but rather to a way of living, a way of loving—to a vision where we take seriously what Jesus took seriously—inclusion, nonviolence, unconditional loving kindness, and compassionate acceptance.” – Fr. Greg Boyle

What would our lives look like if we took seriously what Jesus took seriously? How do we go about achieving this? Where do we begin?

In order to take seriously what Jesus took seriously we must first turn to the Gospels.  The Gospels tell us what Jesus did and who he was. By studying the four Gospels we will get a better idea of what Jesus took seriously. We learn for example that Jesus stood with those on the margins with loving compassion. The first step then is to get to know who Jesus is.

Once we have a better sense of who Jesus is, we need to then look inward at ourselves. It is so easy to look at everyone else and point out how they are not being Christ-like. It is all too tempting to blame others. I often find myself thinking, “if only this person would be like this or that, then my problems would be solved.” Christ reminds his followers to “remove the wooden beam from your own eye before trying to remove the speck from your neighbor’s eye.” In other words, fix what is wrong with yourself first before trying to help others. It is no easy task. 

Once we have worked on making ourselves better we are then able to help others. But the methodology for helping others is one of tender compassion. It is not one of criticizing and demoralizing. Jesus was very serious about helping others. It was central to his entire mission. 

This Lent, let us refocus on taking seriously what Jesus took seriously. If we can do that, then we will redeem ourselves and the world. 


Our Gr. 2 students have been preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and yesterday they made their first confession. The class continues to prepare for the Sacrament of Holy Communion and we continue to pray for our students. 


Our Gr. 7 Boys Basketball Team won their first round playoff game defeating St. Andrews. The boys played a strong team game and dominated from the opening tip off. But it is the teams willingness to work hard and hold each other accountable that has allowed them to really succeed together. As their coach, I am super proud of how the boys have bought into the idea of team basketball. The Championships take place next week at the Richmond Oval and we will be streaming the games for our families to watch. Let’s Go St. Jude!



The Grade 7 class is holding a hot lunch fundraiser on Monday, March 7th . Please support the grade 7 students and order a lunch from McDonald’s. Payment can be made via e-transfer or cash. To limit contact, we encourage parents to pay via e-transfer to Lucy (Shih-Yun) Liang at Please indicate student's name and grade. For those who prefer to pay cash, please contact Desiree Suganob @ or 778-891-3770 to make payment.

Hot lunch date – Monday, March 7
Lunch options include the following:
 Junior McChicken – $2.50
 McDouble burger – $3
 6 piece chicken nuggets – $5.50
 Apple slices – $1
 Baked apple pie – $1
 Small fries – $2 (note fries may not retain their crispiness)

Order link:

Order deadline is Wednesday, March 2.

Thank you for your support!


The Re-registration package was due back on February 4, 2022.  We thank all families for returning the packages to us.  If you have not completed the re-registration and need more time, please email the office.  We will be reaching out to those on the wait list if you do not intend to return.


School administration has made the decision to cancel student led conferences on March 11, 2022. Student led conferences is a way for students to show parents their learning and it involves multiple groups of parents in the classrooms touring various stations. We felt that given current restrictions and not knowing when restrictions would be eased, the best course of action would be to cancel the conferences now so that parents and staff can make calendar adjustments. 

March 11, 2022 will be a regular day of instruction with normal school hours (8:30-3:00) and After School Club will run that day as well. 


Since we are not going to have Student-Led Conferences, we are going to make use of our SeeSaw platform for digital portfolios. Teachers will work with their students and have them upload examples of their work and learning. All parents should be able to access their child’s SeeSaw account and see the work samples. If you are not able to access it or are having problems, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher. 


We are excited to welcome kindergarten registration for children born in 2017, turning 5 in 2022. These children will begin kindergarten in September, 2022.  Please click on our Admissions Top Tab to access the New Family Application.  

As of today, we only have space in Gr. 2 and Kindergarten for 2022-23. All other classes are full at this time and several have waitlists. 


We currently have no stock available for sale in our Consignment.

If you would like uniform items to be sold in consignment, they must be in good to excellent condition. They need to be the current uniform and not the old one. You will need to set a price and fill out a form. Please contact Mr. van der Pauw if you would like an item to be sold. From time to time we will post what is available for sale in consignment. 

Reminder of Uniform Schedule:

Monday to Thursday – Uniform

Fridays – Patriot Spirit Wear


March 2 – Ash Wednesday

March 11 – School is in session; last day of class before Spring Break

March 28 – First Day back from Spring Break

You can subscribe to our school calendar here