The Patriot Report – October 9th, 2018


I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our parents for their support of the Walkathon. We had numerous parents stepping up to volunteer in a myriad of ways. The Walkathon is our major fundraiser for the year and its success is dependent on the contributions of our parents.

At St. Jude’s it is customary that parents bring in the pledge sheets with a single check made out to the school as this makes counting much easier. Tax receipts will be issued for donations of $30 or more. Money is due October 10, 2018.

Parent Teacher Interviews are October 25, 2018

As a recent letter home explained, we have changed the way we will be communicating your child’s learning this year. The upcoming Parent-Teacher Interviews is a non-instructional day (meaning no school for students that day). The Parent-Teacher Interview is a conversation between the parent(s) and the teacher. Students are NOT to attend this conference. Sessions will be 10 minutes and must remain on schedule to allow for all parents to touch base with teachers. An Interim Progress Report will be coming home on October 22, 2018 and we kindly ask that parents bring this report to the conference. If you find that 10 minutes was not sufficient, parents can always book a separate session with their child’s classroom teacher. Please click here to reserve your time slot*. All bookings are done online. Please book in advance to reserve your time slot. Interviews time slots are as follows:
11am – 12pm
1pm – 5pm
6pm – 8pm


Dear Parents,
Due to a technical issue, you will have discovered that the date for interviews was listed as the October 09, 2018.
Interviews will actually be held on the October 25, 2018
This issue has now been resolved.
We have moved all appointments to the correct date. The times you originally selected are still there but the date has changed.
If the appointment times you selected are not appropriate for the October 25, 2018, please:
1. Find the email you received confirming your appointments for the wrong date, and click on the link in the email to return to your bookings.
2. Return to and enter the event code:  ukn6e
(If you are not taken directly to your appointments, you may need to enter the email address you originally used to make your bookings)
From there you will be able to “reschedule bookings” for a more suitable time.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused your family and we thank you for your patience with this matter.

Gr. 7 Girls Volleyball

On Tuesday October 16th, the Grade 7 Girls played their final volleyball game of the season against the Corpus Christi Cardinals.  It was an exciting game with a tie-breaking match that resulted in a win for Corpus Christi.

Mrs. Collins was very impressed with how much the team grew throughout the season, and at how supportive the girls were of each other.  She hopes that they all try out for their Grade 8 teams, wherever they may go.

Many thanks to all the parents who drove to practices and games and who supported the team throughout the season. Go Patriots!

Halloween Guidelines

This year Halloween falls on a Wednesday, which is the same day as our school mass. Please note the following:

  • If your child wants to wear a costume they are to pack it and then change into their costume during recess time – they must be able to do this independently
  • If your child elects not to wear a costume they can wear halloween colours that day to school and even to mass (orange, black, yellow, white, purple – use your judgement)
  • If your child does pack a costume, their costume must be appropriate and non-intimidating or counter the philosophy of our school. This means no masks, no violent characters, no zombies or ghoulish characters, no weapons (even if pretend), and no make up that makes kids unidentifiable and certainly no devils! Superhero costumes are permitted, homemade costumes are encouraged, and dressing up as a Saint is most definitely encouraged.

Anaphylaxis Medical Forms

were handed out to students at Meet the Teacher’s Night. If you have not completed and submitted them back to the office, please do so immediately.