As we approach November 11, 2021, Remembrance Day, I find myself reflecting on all...
“No one is to pursue what he judges better for himself, but instead, what...
Each year at least one of my reflections I write will be on the...
One way to access the Sacred Scripture is through a process called Lectio Divina....
On Wednesday October 6, 2021, 30 CISVA schools gathered together at Swangard Stadium in...
Yesterday was the first National day for Truth and Reconciliation. My wife and I...
During the summer one of the things I enjoy doing is playing sports with...
"When the present does not recognize the wrongs of the past, the future takes...
I once heard a quote at a basketball camp spoken by a coach, "You...
In his encyclical, FRATELLI TUTTI, Pope Francis reminds us that all of humanity is...