The Patriot Report – June 26


Summer Fun

It may not be the summer we would have anticipated at the start of the school year but rest assured we are certainly looking forward to the break. It is important that we take this summer to relax and rest. I have encouraged our school staff to take time off so that they can be re-energized for September. I hope that our students do the same. I hope they will find ways to play outside and still have a memorable and enjoyable summer. 

I know many families are probably wondering what September will look like. Administrators and educators are wondering what parameters will be set in place for September 2020 by the PHO and the Ministry of Education. When we know and have a plan to communicate we will send out email communication and we will update our website. 

Over the course of the summer we will not send out weekly newsletters. Our weekly newsletters will resume in September. 




Dear Parents, 

We have many projects ready to go for the summer that require the help of our parents. We need those with construction experience or experience in the trades. The hours you put in over the summer will really help to make our school better for your children! I would also love to encourage a spirit of volunteerism. Our schools were pioneered by volunteers who wanted what was best for their children. I ask all parents who have experience with building and maintenance to please consider helping out over the summer. Please email or Rendy at if you are available to help. 

Participation assignments for the next school year will be communicated over the summer, with the exception of Maintenance parents who have already been assigned. The school and parish are still in need of volunteers for maintenance and if you are available or would like to switch to maintenance for your participation for the next school year, please contact Ann Tang, the Parent Participation coordinator at  The maintenance schedule for the next school year will begin on July 1, 2020. Please note that regardless of which category you are assigned, if you are unable to complete your hours due to COVID-19, you may be reassigned to maintenance to complete your participation hours.

2020-2021 Reminders

July 02 – Withdrawal of Activity Fees, Emergency Fees and Re-registration fees.

Aug 01 – Withdrawal of 1st month’s tuition or lump sum payment.

Sep 08 – First day of school.

Families must communicate with Richelle Akol, our PEC Chairperson (, and Chris van der Pauw, our Principal ( if you need Tuition Assistance. 

Students are expected to be in full uniform when they return to school in September.  Please take this time to purchase the uniforms from Cambridge Uniform.  If you order in August, you may not be able to receive your uniform in time. 


2019-2020 yearbooks will be distributed in September. 

To order the year book for 2019-2020

Step 1: open   in your browser. 

Step 2: type in the Yearbook ID code 14136520

Step 3: type in your child’s name and grade. You may order multiple copies under one name or add an additional order under a different name (additional orders can be added on the next screen). 

Step 4: Online payments methods accepted are American Express. Mastercard, Discover, or Visa. 


Check out

St. Jude online school code is: TPA859

Returning clients:

New clients:

There has been a great response from the online Zoom fittings for families who require assistance with reading size charts, navigating the website and confirming their sizes.  Book an online fitting here:


Aug 24 – School Office Open

Sep 08 – 1st day of School.  8:40am – 12:00pm

Sep 09 – First School Mass 9am

Sep 11 – Patriot Spirit Day

Sep 17 – Individual Photo Day

Sep 17 – Meet the Teacher Night 6:30-8:00pm

Sep 25 – Care Day – NOON DISMISSAL