The Patrioteer – January 31, 2025


This weekend we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. This Feast Day reminds us that we must continually offer our hearts to the Lord, as Jesus teaches us through His presentation at the temple. Jesus came to earth to be like us in all things but sin and we are led through His example. One way that we present ourselves to God is through the offertory at Mass. This is the perfect time to offer everything we are and will be to the service of God.

Happy Feast of the Presentation of the Lord!  

St. Jude, Pray for us!  


Lately we have been having some issues in the parking lot during morning drop off. Please be courteous and watchful when you drive onto the school property. Thank you!
1. Drop-Off Lane
Our parking lot enforces a drop-off lane. This means that there is one continuously moving line of cars to the left of the cones. We are asking that parents not step out of their cars while in this lane. This lane is only for children who can exit the car independently. If your child needs help to leave the car, please pull into a parking spot before stopping your car and exiting the drivers seat. This continuous flow of cars ensures that our parking lot is safe and efficient. 
2. Parking 
When parking please enter and exit the stalls with caution and park in a manner that does not block other spaces. 
3. Speed
Drive slowly in the parking lot as students and parents are walking in between cars. Safety comes first. SPEED LIMIT: 5-10 KM
4. Front Door
The front door should not be used until 8:40. Students coming through this door prior to the bell ringing often cause a disruption for the office. All children should walk through the main doors to the parking lot and through the exterior classroom doors between 8:30-8:40.  
Above all, please be kind and courteous to each other. Our parent volunteers are there to help and support you so please help them out by listening to directions. All issues can be brought to the Principal or Vice Principal for mediation. 
We are all doing our best out there, thank you for caring for each other! 


A reminder that the re-registration forms for the 2025-2026 school year are due by Tuesday, February 4th.  Please submit all documents by that date to avoid a late administration fee of $20.  Alternatively, if your situation has changed and your child will not be returning to St. Jude School for the next school year, kindly inform the office.  Thank you!



Check out the website for the current schedule:



This week we had multiple basketball tournaments and our students shined with their skills and sportsmanship on and off the court. 

Congrats Grade 7 Girls on First Place at the Gr 7 Eagles Championship at OLPH and Second Place at the Shamrock Tournament at St. Patrick’s.

Congrats Grade 6 Girls for Fifth Place at the Gr 6 Eagles Championship at OLPH. 

Congrats Grade 5 Girls for First Place at the Our Lady of Sorrows Tournament. 

Congrats Grade 5 Boys for Second Place at the Our Lady of Sorrows Tournament. 

Go Patriots! 


Munchalunch is open for ordering from now till Spring Break.  A reminder that the deadline to order hot lunch is every Wednesday at 7am for the following week. 


Today the Grade Threes celebrated St. Brigid ahead of her feast day on February 1st, which is also the first day of spring in Ireland. They learned about St. Brigid and her patronage and were able to make their own St. Brigid cross out of pipe cleaners. 
St. Brigid, Pray for us! 


Grade 7 students are doing some fundraising initiatives to support their graduation event in June.
Bottle Drive: Bring your Bottles to any Return-It depot and the proceeds go to the Grade 7 Grad Event Fund. Check out the poster below for details!
Thank you for supporting our students!
All proceeds go to support Grade Seven Graduation Events.


We at St. Jude School are overjoyed to announce that we are planning an Art Show and Open House for Catholic Schools Week, February 12. The Open House will run after mass from 10am-3pm. We will have the gym open with the art displays until 7pm in the evening. 

This celebration of our students’ individual talents is titled “In His Image: A Celebration of Unity.” Please keep an eye on the newsletter as more info will be released soon! 



Jubilee Lunar New Year Dinner
Monday, February 3, 6:30 p.m. (Door opens at 5:30)
Sun Sui Wah Seafood Restaurant (3888 Main Street, Vancouver)
Cost: $70 per ticket. For information and tickets, please call Deacon Ken Fung at (604) 803-5778, or Cecilia Leung at (604) 264-0613.

These events and more can be found on the Diocesan Website:


St. Jude Parish Mass Times

Monday – Saturday: 9 am morning Masses
Novena Mass on Wednesdays: 7:30 pm
Saturday anticipated Mass: 5 pm
Sunday Mass: 9 am, 11 am, 5 pm


Feb 4 –  First Holy Reconciliation (Grade 2) 6:30pm

Feb 12  – Art Show and Open House 10am – 6:30pm

Feb 13 & 14 – NO SCHOOL Catholic Educators Conference

Feb 17 – NO SCHOOL Family Day 

Feb 21 – Pauline Book Fair

You can subscribe to our school calendar here